Jr High games vs Cedar Ridge today have been cancelled. We will try to reschedule for another date soon.

The lip-synch battle schedule for tonight has been postponed.

All elementary fundraiser forms and money needs to be turned into the elementary office tomorrow morning, Wednesday, March 12. Thank You!

Softball Time Change:
Today's Softball Game with Viola will now start at 4:30 instead of 4:00. Should be a pretty day, come out and catch the game!
Go Get'em Lady Eagles!

🦅🖇️ This week’s Business & Trade Digest is packed with skill-building wins, digital art, FBLA projects, and student learning! Check it out! 🖇️🦅

T-BALL Update:
All T-ball Forms and Fees are due this Friday. If interested, please return
them to either campus Friday.

Reminder of some upcoming test dates for juniors and seniors: Junior ACT-March 11. Senior workkeys testing-March 12th. Both will begin at 8:00am at the high school.

Hillcrest Summer Baseball and Softball forms will be sent home today. There will be forms available in the High School office as well. You can also use the link attached and print. Please return these form and fees as soon as possible so we can see how many Screamin' Eagle teams we will have for this summer. The Ozark League will have a meeting in April to schedule for the summer, so it is important to know asap. If your willing to sponsor a summer ball team or have any questions , email Coach Durham: andy.durham@eagles1.k12.ar.us.
All forms can be turned in at the Elementary and High School Office.

2025-2026 Hillcrest School Calendar

Hillcrest Elementary School has been recognized by the Office for Education Policy (OEP) at the University of Arkansas as a school where students demonstrated high growth on the ATLAS!
As you may know, the OEP creates an annual report entitled the Outstanding Educational Performance Awards where we recognize schools with high student academic growth. We think growth is the best indicator of the positive impact that your school is having on students.
In our Elementary School Level report published today,
Hillcrest Elementary School recieved the following awards:
High Overall Growth (Northeast region)
High ELA Growth (Northeast region)
Awards are based on the 2024 content growth score calculated by the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education. These growth scores reflect how much students at the school improved from 2023 compared to how much other students with similar prior achievement improved. We recognize schools based on Overall growth, as well as for growth in Math and English Language Arts separately. To learn more about how we determined the OEP award winners and to see the full list of award recipients, you can view the report here: https://bpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/.../OEP-Awards_3-High-ATLAS...
We congratulate you on this accomplishment and hope that you will share this good news with teachers, students, and others who contributed to your school's success.

We sent home a fundraiser brochure last Tuesday, selling popcorn and other savory sweets. I just wanted to explain a little about this fundraiser and what the monies will be used for. We try and reward our students for their effort though out the year to show academic growth, as well as their academic achievements. Money from this fundraiser will be combined with last fall’s fundraiser and we will be taking all of our students on a reward trip. Also, we will have an inflatable party celebrating reading growth and achievements from this school year.
-Shawn Rose
The fundraiser forms are due back Monday. March 10 (we extended the due date)

T-BALL forms have been sent home with elementary and pre-k students. If you did not receive one here is the link. Please return all forms to Pre -School, Elementary or High School offices. Forms are due: MARCH 7 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mVMv5wck8FWqmGNGvTXOuiDOt6CZTaAqB40Ui1u4QJk/edit?usp=sharing

Correction: All preschool and elementary students will have their picture taken tomorrow. You can choose to purchase at a later date.

Spring pictures tomorrow at the elementary and preschool will only be taken if you purchase a package.
Baseball and softball pictures will be taken of all team members.

Due to inclement weather, Hillcrest School District will be closed tomorrow, Friday, February 21st.

Sr High District Tournament Update:
Games for tonight have been moved to Friday, February 21. Hillcrest Sr Boys will take on Ridgefield Christian @Ridgefield Christian in Jonesboro. Tip off is scheduled for 6:15.
Go Screamin' Eagles!

Due to inclement weather, the Hillcrest School District will be closed tomorrow, Thursday February 20th.

Due to inclement weather, Hillcrest School District will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday February 19th.

Eagles Nest will be open until 3pm this afternoon. For the safety of our kids and staff please make sure they are picked up by 3pm.

Hillcrest will dismiss school today at 12:15PM, due to the impending winter weather. We are monitoring the weather forecast and will make adjustments as necessary, if needed. Thank you and stay safe during this weather event.