Reminder: The GRANDPARENT'S DAY meal is set for tomorrow, Friday, September 8. Grandparents can visit their grandchild's classroom before their lunchtime or meet in the gym lobby to accompany their grandchild's to the cafeteria. Cost for the meal is $3.50 for adults, and is payable as we go through the lunch line. Lunch times are as follows: Kindergarten - 10:15AM, 1st Grade - 11:00AM, 2nd Grade - 11:30AM, 3rd & 4th Grade - 12:00Noon, 5th & 6th Grade - 12:30PM.
over 1 year ago, Shawn Rose
Reminder: The GRANDPARENT'S DAY meal is set for Friday, September 8. Grandparents can visit their grandchild's classroom before their lunchtime or meet in the gym lobby to accompany their grandchild's to the cafeteria. Cost for the meal is $3.50 for adults, and is payable as we go through the lunch line. Lunch times are as follows: Kindergarten - 10:15AM, 1st Grade - 11:00AM, 2nd Grade - 11:30AM, 3rd & 4th Grade - 12:00Noon, 5th & 6th Grade - 12:30PM.
over 1 year ago, Shawn Rose
Tutoring will begin September 12, 2023. Students will be able to work from 3:00-5:00. Food will be provided as well as bus rides home. Tutoring will be held on both HIllcrest campuses.
over 1 year ago, Mike Nunnally
Attn Hillcrest Patron's: It's time to order your 2023-2024 yearbooks. Cost will be $51.25 until after Christmas break. After Christmas the price will increase to $61.25. You can bring a check to Mrs. Heather or go online by following the link below. There will only be 100 available so get them while supplies last.
over 1 year ago, Brad Brannon
Hillcrest Kindergarten class enjoyed music today with Mrs.Tracy Miesner.
over 1 year ago, Lana Doyle
Hillcrest Staff Birthdays for June, July, and August
over 1 year ago, Lana Doyle
Hillcrest Staff Birthdays for June, July, and August
over 1 year ago, Lana Doyle
Hillcrest 3rd Grade Math Community is involved in an in-depth discussion.
over 1 year ago, Lana Doyle
Mrs. Deanna Roberts' 5/6 Science Class: Ryan Vaughan it's hot at Hillcrest Elementary!
over 1 year ago, Lana Doyle
Graduated seniors: If you ordered a yearbook last year, they have arrived and can be picked up at the high school office! If you did not order, extras are limited and are $50 each. Contact Mrs. Heather.
over 1 year ago, Addison Brannon
Grandparents Day will be celebrated on Friday, September 8 at the Hillcrest Elementary Campus in Lynn. National Grandparents day is Sunday, September 10. We want to invite all grandparents to eat lunch with their grandchildren. Forms are being sent home today, please list all grandparents that will be coming to eat with us.
over 1 year ago, Shawn Rose
Grandparents Day
Attention Parents/Guardians 7-12 ACT Aspire Individual Student Score Reports are being sent home with students
over 1 year ago, Rachael Netrefa
Hillcrest golf kicked off this week. Boys and girls traveled to Eagle Mountain on Tuesday. The boys finished 2nd overall in team and the girls picked up the win for their first matches of the season. On Thursday, the boys and girls both won their team matches and Mason LeCroy earned runner-up medalist for individual performance. This week we had scheduled a match on Tuesday August 22nd but it has been pushed back a week to Tuesday August 29th. We will still travel to Newport on Thursday this week for a match at Newport Country Club.
over 1 year ago, Andy Durham
Attention Parents/guardians: Coach Durham's (Poughkeepsie) bus route will be running late this morning. We apologize for the inconvenience.
over 1 year ago, Andy Durham
Athletic Physicals will be given tomorrow morning. Athletes must have parent/guardian signature on the History Form that was sent home Monday in order to receive the physical. If you have received a physical from your personal physician, we must have the documentation on file. Please send it to school with your child asap. Tomorrow's physicals are given free of charge by the Strawberry Medical Clinic.
over 1 year ago, Andy Durham
Attention Parents/Guardians: Athletic Physicals will be given Thursday morning, August 17 for grades 7-12 in the High School Building. Required paper work that must be signed and returned has been given to each athlete this morning. One of the documents is the Physical History form. This form must be signed by the parent/guardian before an Athletic Physical will be administered. These papers need to be back by Thursday. If the athlete needs another copy or did not receive one, they can be picked at the High School Office.
over 1 year ago, Andy Durham
The K-2 pick up location, after school, is in between the gymnasium building and the lower elementary building, next the crosswalk. The 3rd-6th pick up location is in the corner of the parking lot closest to the gym. Please stay in your vehicle and stay in the car line. Be patient; especially this first week or so, as we get everything flowing smoothly!
over 1 year ago, Shawn Rose
Reminder that Hillcrest's Open House is this evening, Thursday, August 10, 5:00-7:00PM, on all Hillcrest Campuses. We encourage you to use this time to meet your child's teachers, sign the Hillcrest Student Handbook, sign up for Free/Reduced Lunches, and see our facilities. High School students may pick up schedules in the high school building on Hwy 230 (Newtech building). We look forward to seeing everyone this evening. Our Mission at Hillcrest is that "Learning and Growth is required for ALL students."
over 1 year ago, Shawn Rose
Open House
The ACT Aspire Preliminary Test Scores are in. We have compared our students's scores to other schools in Lawrence County, in the NEA Educational Cooperative (14 districts), and state wide. Last year's Hillcrest 10th graders were #1 Reading, English, Science, & ELA, and 2nd in STEM among all county schools. Our overall average rank among county schools was #1. Additionally, Hillcrest 10th graders were 1st in Reading (15th out of 308 Arkansas schools), English (15th in the state) & ELA (21st in state), and 2nd in Science (29th in state), they averaged 3rd overall amongst our NEA Cooperative schools. Congratulations to all of last years Hillcrest 10th graders; as well as their parents/guardians and teachers!
over 1 year ago, Shawn Rose
The ACT Aspire Preliminary Test Scores are in. We have compared our students's scores to other schools in Lawrence County, in the NEA Educational Cooperative (14 districts), and state wide. Last year's Hillcrest 9th graders were #1 in ELA and they were 2nd in Reading and Science among all county schools. Hillcrest 9th graders were 3rd in ELA amongst our NEA Cooperative schools. Congratulations to all of last years Hillcrest 9th graders; as well as their parents/guardians and teachers!
over 1 year ago, Shawn Rose