Summer Ball Updates week of June 12-June 16:
Monday June 12: 5:30 13-16 Boys @Southside
Tuesday June 12 @Lynn
11-12 Boys Practice 8:30 -10:00
Games: Girls @Lynn
5:00 9-10 Girls vs Cave City
6:30 11-12 Girls vs Cave City
8:00 11-12 Girls vs Cave City
7-8 girls vs Cave City- 5:00 and 6:15
@Cave City -Boys
5:00 7-8 vs CC #2
6:15 7-8 vs CC #3
6:00 9-10 vs CC#2
7:30 9-10 vs CC#3
5:00 11-12 vs CC#1 SB
6:30 11-12 vs CC#2 SB
Friday June 16
Boys @ Newark
7-8 5:00 Lower Fields
13-16 6:30
9-10 6:00 Upper Field
11-12 7:30 Upper Field
Girls @ Lynn
5:00 9-10
6:30 11-12
Notice the time changes. Master Schedule has been updated as well.

Summer Ball updates:
All girls games tonight 6/8
vs Southside at Lynn have been cancelled due to weather.

Summer baseball update:
All Baseball games tonight 6/8 at Southside have been cancelled due to rain.

Summer Ball update:
The 7-8 girls game tonight vs Southside @Lynn has been cancelled. All other games will be played at the same starting times.
6:15 9-10 girls
7:45 11-12 girls

Coach Felicia Durham will have the Strawberry Gym open next, on Monday, June 12th from 5:00-6:30PM for Hillcrest Elementary Students.

Summer School Car Riders:
Elementary Parents, please drop off your child between 7:30-7:40AM in front of the Jr. High (building on Hwy 230 side), we will be taking the students to the lunchroom as soon as possible.
High School Parents, please drop off your child in the high school parking lot between 7:30-7:50AM if they are eating breakfast.
Summer school will dismiss at approximately 1:00PM; pick students up where you dropped them off.

Summer school bus routes and approximate times:
Mr. Clifton's route will start at 7:00 and travel to Lynn on Hwy 25, from Lynn he will pick up any students on Hwy 361 to Saffell. He will turn around at Rosebud Church and travel north on Hwy 25 back to Strawberry, arriving at 7:35.
Mr. Charles will pick up students in and around Smithville at approximately 7:00, then come to Lynn via Wassum Rd and proceed to Strawberry on Hwy 25.
Mrs. Angela will travel north through Nelsonville rd and then turn around at the old Poughkeepsie store at 7:05; before returning south on Hwy 58, east on Hwy 115 to Jesup and on to Strawberry on Hwy 117.
Mr. Nunnally will travel up Milligan Campground Rd, thru Judge Anderson rd, then Grange rd before arriving at Hilltop at 7:15. He will then travel east on Hwy 230 to Strawberry arriving at 7:35.
If you need more information about routes or times, call 870-376-5416 or email Shawn.rose@eagles1.k12.ar.us.

Summer School at Hillcrest begins tomorrow, Tuesday, June 6, from 8:00AM - 1:00PM. Invitations were sent with selected students in grades K-5. There was a google form sent for parents to sign up students in grades 6-8, older students are already signed up for make-up coursework. If you have a student in grades K-5 and want to send them to summer school (we have up to five open student slots), contact Shawn Rose at Shawn.rose@eagles1.k12.ar.us to discuss. Bus routes/times will be sent out later today.

The Summer Meal program has begun at the High School Cafeteria in Strawberry. Lunch is from 11:00-12:30. Today's main course is the Ham and Cheddar melt, corn, and a salad bar. Children 18 and under are free, adult meals are $3.50.

For the 23-24 school year, Hillcrest will not offer a virtual option. Learning will be onsite.

Attention Hillcrest Boys Basketball parents/guardians 7-12 grades. Basketball camps that were scheduled in June will be cancelled. The camps that are scheduled in July will be played as scheduled. Those dates in July are as followed:
Jr High Team Camps:
July 17 Pangburn
July 19 Tuckerman
July 24 Pangburn
July 26 Tuckerman
Sr High Team Camps:
July 17 Pangburn
July 20 Tuckerman
July 24 Pangburn
July 27 Tuckerman

Summer Ball practice schedule for Tuesday, May 30:
11-12 Boys 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. @Lynn
7-8 girls 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. @Lynn

Summer Ball update:
All games at Lynn for Thursday, May 25 have been postponed. We will try to reschedule on another date. This includes 7-8 Girls, 9-10 Girls, and 11-12 Girls.
All games @Ash Flat are still on as scheduled for May 25.
5:00 7-8 Boys
5:00 11-12 Boys
6:30 9-10 Boys
These games will be played at Ash Flat Ball Park.
College Dr, Ash Flat 72513

Hillcrest would like to remind you about our summer meal program. Starting tomorrow, May 24, age 18 or younger eat free lunch and breakfast. See flyer for more details.

Happy retirement to Mrs. Linda Smith after 25 years!! The district is thankful for your service!

Plant and Art Summer Camp

This is link is intended for the 2023-2024 Girl Basketball players and their parents.

Information Regarding 2023 Summer P-EBT:
Please review the flyer for information regarding the 2023 Summer P-EBT qualification and pay out.

Parents need to pick up all children's medications today at the elementary nurse's office at Lynn.
The elementary 4th quarter awards assembly is at 12:00 noon in the gym at Lynn.

SummerBall Schedule update:
5:00 11-12 Boys vs Midland
7:15 9-10 Boys vs Midland
5:00 7-8 Boys vs Midland
6:30 13-16 Boys vs Midland
Concession stand @Lynn will be in the metal building behind the old concession. Bathrooms will be on the end closest to the lower elementary building in the metal building. We are still working things out with the new building. This will be a great addition once completed to the softball complex.
All Girls games at Midand and Cedar Ridge have been cancelled for Monday, May 22 and Tuesday, May 23. Please check the schedule online for updates or communicate with the coaches.