Empowering a Love for Reading:The A.R. Reading Achievers
Great job students and teachers!

Empowering a Love for Reading:The A.R. Reading Achievers
Great job students and teachers!

Empowering a Love for Reading:The A.R. Reading Achievers
Great job students and teachers!

Empowering a Love for Reading:The A.R. Reading Achievers
Great job students and teachers!

The Hillcrest School District plans to be in session this coming Monday, April 8th. We have plans and educational activities in place for all of our kids to safely view the solar eclipse. Also, we have SOLAR ECLIPSE GLASSES for every student (PK – 12th grade) as well as every staff member.
A total solar eclipse occurs when the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun form a straight line, resulting in the Moon completely blocking the Sun and casting a shadow on the Earth. The next total solar eclipse with a path of totality to cross Arkansas will be this Monday, April 8, 2024.

Attention Kindergarten and 6th grade parents and Guardians: Tomorrow, April 3 will be cap and gown picture day for graduation. Forms will be going home with students today!

Hillcrest Elementary will have an awards assembly this Friday, April 5, at 2:00PM in the gymnasium; all parents/patrons are invited. Awards will be given for Perfect Attendance, Honor Roll, Accelerated Reader Points, and Kindergarten Mastery Achievement,

Hillcrest has new signage made by the Agri Department to help visitors on each campus.

Summer Baseball and Softball forms are due this Friday, April 5. Feel free to send them in any day this week.

High school has been planning many different activities for the solar eclipse. One of those activities involves students making a solar eclipse viewer. We will have glasses, but this will allow them to experience the eclipse in a different way. In order to make these viewers, we will need shoeboxes. If anyone would like to send shoeboxes for this project, please send them next week. They can be brought to Mrs. Turner's room.

Today, Bethany Stevenson and Zoe Pate from high school stopped by the kindergarten classroom to share some fun read-alouds with the students.

Hillcrest Elementary Shout Out!
Mrs. Stacy Durham’s second graders showed the highest growth in literacy on the March Istation test. This includes all K-6 classrooms! They raised their literacy score by 24 points!

Hillcrest Elementary Shout Out!
Mrs. Angela Morgan’s first graders read 213 books during our “Read Across the Campus” day! Great job first graders. That is amazing! Readers are achievers!

Hillcrest District-wide PLC Leadership Team
Learning and growth required by all!

Kindergarten Easter Egg Hunt

Hillcrest School District Lip Sync
Our faculty rocks!

Hillcrest PreK had a surprise from the Mrs. Brenda, Mrs. Emily, and Mrs. Teresa in the cafeteria! Thank you!

Hillcrest School District is meeting the educational needs with student learning. The high school students enjoy reading to the elementary students. The little ones look up to the older ones. Go Screamin' Eagles!

Baseball Schedule change:
Sr and Jr high will play at home today starting at 4:00. Sr High will play Westside Greers Ferry at 4, followed by Jr high vs Tuckerman. Should be a great afternoon for some baseball!
Go Screamin' Eagles!

Congratulations to the Hillcrest AG Dept. Hillcrest received a new CAD (computer-aided design) machine. Skills can be used in the workforce for operation, coding, and design.