The Hillcrest School District will be in session tomorrow, Friday, March 29th. This will be the third make-up snow day.
12 months ago, Shawn Rose
Hillcrest Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held at each campus, Pre-K, Elementary, and High School, on Thursday, March 28th, from 3:30-6:30PM.
12 months ago, Shawn Rose
Jr and Sr baseball games today have been cancelled due to wet field conditions.
12 months ago, Andy Durham
The Hillcrest School District will be in session on Friday, March 29th. This will be the third make-up snow day.
12 months ago, Shawn Rose
Hillcrest Elementary’s 10-Day Attendance Challenge will begin this Monday, March 25th and conclude next Friday, April 5th. Every student and staff member that has been at school all 10 days will get an ice cream at recess on that Friday. Furthermore; the grade in each building, that has the highest attendance percentage will go to the Lake Charles playground for recess one day the following week. #readytolearn,#readytoachieve,#readytobecomechampions
12 months ago, Shawn Rose
Congratulations to the 7th-10th grade for meeting goals with ATLAS practice testing.
12 months ago, Mike Nunnally
Baseball games for today @CRA have been cancelled due to the threat of severe weather. A reschedule date will be announced as soon as we have one.
about 1 year ago, Andy Durham
Reminder: All T-Ball forms are due tomorrow Friday, March 15. Summer Baseball/Softball forms are being sent home in your child's backpack today on the elementary campus. April 5 is the return date for the form and entry. Please feel free to send them back before the due date. Summer Baseball/Softball forms will be available in the High School Office for grades 7-12 or if you need an extra. Go Screamin' Eagles!
about 1 year ago, Andy Durham
Due to the possibility of severe weather this afternoon, there will be NO TUTORING today.
about 1 year ago, Josh Smith
Reminder: T-Ball registration forms are due Friday, March 15. Please return them with your child to school or drop them off at any office on Hillcrest campuses.
about 1 year ago, Andy Durham
The Hillcrest School District will be in session on Friday, March 15th. This will be the second make-up snow day.
about 1 year ago, Shawn Rose
T-Ball forms are due Friday, March 15. Please get these returned asap to your child's teacher or High/Elementary office. Also, Summer Baseball/ Softball forms will be going out this week. They will be Due back on April 5. Thanks, Coach Durham
about 1 year ago, Andy Durham
The Hillcrest School District will be in session on Friday, March 15th. This will be the second make-up snow day.
about 1 year ago, Shawn Rose
Congratulations to the 2nd-grade class for their landslide victory in the March of Dimes change drive! 2nd grade donated 81.2 pounds of change, with the kindergarten class coming in second with 39 pounds, and 6th grade coming in third with 32.2 pounds. Thanks to all the grade levels, FBLA was able to send a check for $1,100 to the March of Dimes. Thanks to all teachers, students, and community members for making this a success!
about 1 year ago, Addison Brannon
march of dimes
Mrs. Heather has 12 of this year's yearbooks left to order. They are first come first serve and will be $61.25. Please contact her to order at 870-376-5416.
about 1 year ago, Addison Brannon
The elementary change drive for March of Dimes sponsored by FBLA ends tomorrow. The class who donates the most change by weight wins a popsicle party! Please consider making a change donation for this worthy cause!
about 1 year ago, Addison Brannon
Hillcrest High School will host a career fair March 7, from 9-11, in the high school cafeteria. Everyone is invited to visit over 18 local businesses.
about 1 year ago, Mike Nunnally
Thank you for all that you do for Hillcrest School District. Today is Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day. Shout out to Charles Goff, Craig Day, and Clifton Jones!
about 1 year ago, Mike Nunnally
Hillcrest students in grades 7-10 will be taking the ATLAS Writing Assessment on Monday, March 4th and students in grades 3-6 on Wednesday, March 6th. How Parents Can Help You can help by making sure your child: • gets plenty of sleep the night before the test; • has breakfast on the morning of the test; • goes to school on the day of a test; • does not have any out-of-school appointments on the day of a test; • knows you think he/she will do well on the tests; and • knows you understand the test is important.
about 1 year ago, Shawn Rose
Sr High Baseball Opening Day! Screamin' Eagles will take on Tuckerman today at 4:30 @Strawberry (V,JV). Come on out and enjoy the game! GO Screamin' Eagles!
about 1 year ago, Andy Durham