The Hillcrest School District will again offer a virtual learning option to all students, grades K-12, for the 2021-2022 school year.
Hillcrest Elementary will utilize the Northeast Arkansas Educational Cooperative’s virtual learning plan, it is called the K-6 TRVP (Three River’s Virtual Program). Instruction will be synchronous; students will be required to meet daily. Scheduled time of instruction, length of instructional time, and the registration process for virtual students will be announced in the first week of August.
Hillcrest High School will utilize Virtual Arkansas for all virtual learners. Instruction will be synchronous; students will be required to meet daily. Scheduled time of instruction, length of instructional time, and the registration process for virtual students will be announced in the first week of August.
Hillcrest School District is pleased to announce that all students will receive meals at no cost for the 2021-2022 school year. This program began last year and will continue for this school year. Please follow the link below for more information.
Physicals for Hillcrest High School student/athletes (grades 7-12) are as follows: August 4th, 1:00-3:30, for boys; August 10th, 1:00-3:30 for girls. All physicals are free of charge and will be held at the Strawberry Medical Clinic. Forms may be picked up at the high school office and have to be signed before the physical is given. All students that are participating in athletics have to have a completed physical before participating in practice or events.
Tournament schedule for today June 29th
@ Southside 7-8 Boys 5:00 PM
@ Cave City 9-10 Boys 5:00 PM
@ Bald Knob 13-16 Girls 5:30 PM
@ Strawberry 13-16 Boys 5:00 PM
Tournament games for today
@ Southside 7-8 Boys 5:00 PM
@ Cave City 9-10 Boys T1 5:00 PM
@ Tuckerman 11-12 Boys T1 6:30
@ Tuckerman 11-12 Boys T2 8:00
The Hillcrest 13-16 Boys play in the league tournament vs Midland at 7:00PM, today, Friday, June 25th.
All Regular season Summer games for tonight have been cancelled due to tournaments starting in different locations. Please contact coaches about the times your child plays. This is the first round games for the teams who are participating.
7-8 Girls Saturday 10am @Bradford
11-12 Girls Saturday 10am @Newark
13-16 Girls  Tuesday 5:30 @Bald Knob
7-8 Boys Monday 5:00 @Southside
9-10 Boys T1 Monday 5:00 @Cave City
9-10 T2 Boys Saturday 10am @Cave City
11-12 T1 Boys Monday 6:30 @Tuckerman
11-12 T2 Boys Monday 8:00 @Tuckerman
13-16 Boys Friday 7:00 @Strawberry.
This man cut a fence to enter the school bus lot and removed a catalytic converter from a school truck. He was wearing a dark hoodie with Ariat in red letters on the front. If you know this person or have any information please call the Lawrence County Sheriff Department.
7-8 Boys Baseball: Practice time for tomorrow has changed to 3:00-4:30 at Lynn.
Attention: 7-8 Boys Baseball
7-8 boys will practice tomorrow June the 24th at Lynn from 5 to 7.
T-Ball Tournament Schedule 6/19
9:00 AM Game 1: Red vs Blue
10:00 AM Game 2: Gray vs Black
11:00 AM Game 3: Winner G1 vs Winner G2
All players will receive trophies following their last game. We would like to get a picture of all of them with their team. We will be following rules similar to the ones we first gave out with a few tweaks to them. Games will be 1 hr or 3 innings whichever comes first. Team Trophies will be given to the winner and runner up teams. Again we ask the parent/guardians to help encourage these kiddos to get out there for a second game if they win the first one. We will have plenty of drinks available in the concession stand. Hopefully the heat won't be too bad! Look forward to Saturday and hope to see everyone there!!
Coach Durham!
Attention: Summer baseball schedule change for 9-10 boys games Thursday June 17th and Friday June 18th.
9-10 Boys team 1 will play Thursday at 6:15 at Lynn instead of Friday.
9-10 Boys team 2 will play Friday at 5:00 at Strawberry instead of Thursday.
Elementary summer school schedule for June 14-18 is as follows:
Monday through Thursday from 8 to 12.
High school summer school schedule for June 14-18 is as follows:
Tuesday through Friday from 8 to 12.
Tonight’s boys games at Southside have been changed to the following schedule:
Softball Field:
5:00 11/12 Team 1 vs SS2
6:30 11/12 Team 2 vs SS1
Middle School Field:
5:00 7/8’s vs SS1
6:15 9/10 Team 1 vs SS
7:45 9/10 Team 2 vs SS
All summer league games have been cancelled forTuesday, June 8th, due to wet field conditions.
All summer league games have been cancelled for Monday, June 7th due to weather.
We will be offering a summer ACT Prep Course! The dates will be June 7-10 from 8am - 12pm. We will offer instruction in Math/Science and in English/Reading. June 7th will be English Day, June 8th will be Reading Day, June 9th will be Math Day, and June 10th will be Science Day. The cost of the course will be $25. This survey is to see how many students are interested in this opportunity.
All summer baseball and softball games scheduled for tonight are canceled.
Parents should pick-up and drop-off summer school students at the canopy, at the NewTech building in Strawberry between 7:30-7:45 and 12:15-12:30 each day. Dropping off and picking up kids at the canopy is a safer option than parking in the parking spaces in front of the building. Thank You.