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Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/3i7D9ix or
iPhone: https://apple.co/2DDqxR4.

Hey Screamin' Eagle fans its GAME DAY! Please follow the link below for information on gate procedures and finding your seat. Thank You!

Mr. Story is seeking assistance from local citizens as he and Hillcrest High School students work to prepare a special tribute to those who have served, or are currently serving, in the United States Armed Services. As everyone knows, Hillcrest High School will not be able to host its annual Veterans Day event this year due to COVID-19 concerns. However, since it is always important to honor our former and current military members, a video presentation is being planned for Veterans Day (November 11). The production team needs the names of living veterans/ current service persons, a short biography of that person, and information related to their service. Persons from all branches of the armed forces will be recognized for their time in the military whether at home or abroad in peace or war time(s).
Although it is a privilege to honor those who have given of themselves for their nation, please send no names or information unless the service person is willing to participate in the project. Hillcrest High School will respect the privacy of individuals not wishing to discuss their service.
Individuals wishing to help should contact Mr. Story as soon as possible through email (randy.story@eagles1.k12.ar.us), Private Messenger, Facebook, or by leaving a message at the high school. Those who have access to his private phone number may text him, as well.
Please help the Hillcrest High Veterans Day Team make this a project a memorable one for those who truly deserve our appreciation.

Picture makeup day will be November 9th on both elementary and high school campuses.

Senior Composites are scheduled for November 9. There is a $25 fee for the sitting that must be paid that day. There will be no make-up day for composites.

Week 1 Basketball Schedule

Tomorrow is school picture day for onsite and virtual learners. Elementary virtual learners should report to the elementary office between 8 am to 10 am. High school virtual learners should report to the high school office between 8 am to 10 am. The back drop is a green screen this year so please do not wear green. Thank you

Due to Covid-19, Hillcrest High School will hold Parent Teacher Conferences virtually. Parent contact and engagement in our student's education is of utmost importance to the Hillcrest School District. We would like to hold Parent Teacher Conferences with all Parents/Guardians who wish to participate. Please answer the following questions so that we can best accommodate for you.
PTC Contact Preference Form

From Mrs. Johnson: Seniors, please check your school email in order to join my Remind group and get details about an important activity for seniors coming up Friday, Sept. 18 at 8 a.m.

We would like to announce that the Free and Reduced Meal Application is now available online for your convenience.
We would like to encourage all parents of students in the Hillcrest School District to complete the Application (if you haven't already done so).
Direct Link to application: https://secure.ezmealapp.com/ApplicationScreen.aspx…
Go to the Hillcrest School District webpage at hillcrest.k12.ar.us, choose the Menu tab, scroll down to the Parents Section, and choose Free and Reduced Meal Application, then choose Apply today.
If you need assistance with this process, please contact Delise Coles at Delise.Coles@eagles1.k12.ar.us(870) 376-5416 Ext. 1001
Thank you!

Hillcrest High School Learners will be able to do drive-thru pick up for class schedules this week on Thursday, Aug. 20, from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the New Tech Building awning. Please pull up in front of the awning, stay in your vehicle, and your schedule(s) will be delivered to your car. DO NOT come to the high school office to pick up your schedule. Any schedules not picked up on Thursday will be handed out on the first day of class. Schedule changes will not start until after school has started. Thank you for your patience as we try to make this experience as smooth as possible.

From Mrs. Johnson: Attention Seniors (the ones who finally graduated lol)! The Arkansas Academic Challenge scholarship is now ready to be accepted if all of your information has been processed. They are saying that there were no notification emails sent so you will have to log in to the website to accept your scholarship if you qualified. The link is:
If you have questions please email Mrs. Johnson.

From Mrs. Johnson:
We received this from ACT to communicate with students who are registered to take the ACT test.
Because there are so many changes with ACT testing related to COVID-19, we would recommend that you instruct students to login to their ACT online account to verify their test site before test day. This could reduce the frustration of students potentially arriving at a test site only to learn that their site has been changed.

In preparing for the upcoming school year, we are adhering to the guidance and directives set forth by the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) and the Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Our mission is to be clear and precise, so that families can make educated choices that meet the needs of their students. We will update this document as new information and directives from ADH and DESE become available.