From Mr. Nunnally:
Hillcrest Academic Awards Banquet will be today at 1:40 in the High School cafeteria. All parents and guardians are invited to attend.

Hillcrest Elementary says thank you to Principal Josh Smith, Curriculum Coach Lana Doyle, and Heritage Bake Shoppe for all the goodies for Teacher Appreciation.

We appreciate you Nurse Phyllis!! Thank you for all you do for the Hillcrest School District!

Reading Achievers!
Great job !!

We would like to send out a special thank you to KJ's Quick Shop for donating lunch today for teacher appreciation week!

Weekly One School, One Book Winners
K- Bella Beane
1st- Faryn Ballard
2nd- Violet Maxwell
3rd- Raina Ireland
4th- Teal Stevenson
5th- Callie Richey
6th- Harmony Willard

Mrs. Geurin had 3 students who earned Golden Tickets this week for displaying excellent SOAR behaviors! Congratulations!

ATTN Senior Parents: The senior trip to Silver Dollar City will take place Monday the 6th. The bus will leave Strawberry at 6:30 am and will return the evening of the same day.
Friday the 10th graduation practice will begin at the Lynn campus at 9 am followed by a senior lunch for students only prepared at Strawberry by the teachers.
Graduation will be on the 11th at 7 pm.
Please make sure Macbooks are turned in and lunch bills are paid before the ceremony. Thank you from your senior sponsors, Mrs. Brannon and Coach Durham.

Thank you to all our Hillcrest principals and for all you do for our school community. We appreciate you Mike Nunnally, Shawn Rose, and Josh Smith!

Shout-out to Kindergartener Leona Watts. Leona found one of the campus's 5 Wonka Golden Tickets, but Leona gave her ticket to her classmate Olivia Blevins since she had already found one earlier today. The students turn in the golden tickets to the office for a prize.

April Staff Birthdays!

T-Ball Update:
Due the already damp field conditions and threat of heavy rain near 5:30 p.m, T-Ball practice for tonight will be cancelled. We will go ahead with tomorrow's schedule for the first T-ball games as planned. We ask that you arrive early to pick up your child's T-Ball jersey. Any questions email Coach Durham @ andy.durham@eagles1.k12.ar.us.

9-10 Yr old baseball practice scheduled for today will be held in the Strawberry gym from 6:30 to 7:45. Please bring all gear and athletic shoes(no cleats) for the gym.

The Miss Hillcrest pageant will take place today at 11am in the Lynn Gym with doors opening at 10. There will be a full concession available for lunch!

Hillcrest Eagles are District Tournament and Conference Runner-ups

Mrs. Miranda's fourth graders had a Pizza Party Celebration for working so hard on the ATLAS state test this week.

Golden ticket winner for Mrs. Angela's first grade class is Mattie Lowry. Golden tickets are awarded for outstanding positive behavior.

Shout-out to 11th grader Jesse Miesner who voluntarily asked to clean off the cafeteria sidewalk this morning! He’s a hard worker around the Hillcrest High School campus!

Weekly One School, One Book Winners
K-Lillian Neubauer
1st- Aubree Utley
2nd- Joli Jackson
3rd- Kullen Teel
4th- Winter Hatler
5th- Reece Miesner
6th- Ally Perkey

2nd grade students, Zaylee Winters and Berkley Carley, received golden tickets from their teachers for being fantastic students today!